Starfinder Unpainted Miniatures: Formian Warrior

Starfinder Unpainted Miniatures: Formian Warrior

Product Code: ARCPSF0060

In pre-Gap ancient times, formians were constantly fighting against other formian hives. These civil wars ended with the Meeting of Queens, where the leaders of several large hives agreed to work together in service to the concept of an Overqueen, the ultimate authority figure of the formian race. The newly unified Colonies then turned their conflicts towards the lashuntas of Asana in a series of wars that lasted for millennia until the shirrens brokered a peace treaty between the two parties in 287 AG, and event that is believed to have been necessary for the foundation of the Pact Worlds government in 291 AG. Following the cessation of war, formians began to industrialize their society by adopting the technology of other species.

- 1 x Formian Warrior