Databank Download: This Is The Way

Article written by AMG and reproduced here with permission - September 20, 2024

Prepare to say “This is the Way” with the new Star Wars™: Shatterpoint squad pack consisting of the Armorer, Paz Vizsla, and a unit of two covert Mandalorians. After the destruction of Mandalore by the Empire, many thought that Mandalorians would go extinct, fading into the greater diaspora of the galaxy. However, adherents of the Way of the Mandalore found ways to survive and keep their culture and peoples strong by forming coverts hidden in abandoned spaces or underground away from prying eyes.

The Armorer and other members of the Children of the Watch survived the Great Purge on Mandalore’s moon, Concordia. By the time of the New Republic’s formation they formed the Tribe on the planet Nevarro, where they remained hidden by sending out a single member at a time to gather resources through bounty hunting. Even after that covert’s destruction, the Armorer and Paz Vizsla would continue on and form a new covert, carrying the Way of Mandalore as an anvil to build a new way of life, and eventually relight the Great Forge on Mandalore.

In Star Wars: Shatterpoint, players will notice that the Armorer’s unit card focuses mainly on supporting other Mandalorians. The tactic ability, Wisdom of the Mandalore, helps her plan an attack or defense against the enemies of Mandalore by granting two jumps at the beginning of her activation, one for herself and one for another allied Mandalorian character. If one movement ability isn’t enough, the Active ability Both Hunter and Prey represents the knife’s edge that Mandalorians live on and allows the Armorer to choose an enemy and jump or advance toward them, then expose both characters if they’re engaged.

The Armorer has survived more than most lifeforms see in multiple lifetimes, and her resilience and tenacity is represented by the innate ability Just As We Shape Mandalorian Steel, We Shape Ourselves. The Armorer gains one additional melee defense die for each 3 damage and each Injured token on her card, an amazing defensive increase, and potentially making the aggressive nature of Both Hunter and Prey even more effective. Finally, her identity ability Our Survival Is Our Strength. This is the Way subverts a core rule of the game for allied Mandalorians, making it so that Wounded and Injured tokens do not increase the Force cost of Reactive and Active abilities. While Mandalorians may take massive damage, they do not bend or yield, just as the beskar they wear. This ability helps the agile Mandalorian forces keep effective well into the fight, while also making the Armorer’s Force stat of 2 more effective.

The first thing players will notice is that the Armorer has no ranged attacks to use, instead focusing on melee combat, as is appropriate. Strength of the Hammer focuses on aggression and damage, pushing back enemies while breaking through defenses. Insight of the Forge allows for a more defensive strategy while more easily applying conditions.

Paz Vizsla is a member of the Tribe and a member of Clan Vizsla, a long and storied Mandalorian family, and carries the strength of his story into all he does. As a hulking warrior he often takes on the role of leader, heavy support, and defender, and that’s represented in Shatterpoint. His tactic ability, We Are Mandalorians! removes one damage or special condition from each allied Mandalorian within range 4, including himself. Additionally, each allied Mandalorian supporting character may then make a jump. His Reactive ability I’ll Cover The Rear allows him to retaliate when he or another allied character is attacked. This ability can make many opponents rethink who they are targeting or attempt to reposition your squad before attacking, giving you more room to strategize your next move.

Paz’s most dynamic ability might be his Reactive ability representing his bravery in the face of defeat, Go. There Are Too Many. This Is The Way. When he becomes wounded, Paz may immediately switch the damage and Wounded token for 2 Injured tokens and make a five-dice attack against the attacker. While this might seem like a high cost, in a desperate situation this can turn the tide of the battle and give you the edge you need, while also keeping Paz scoring an objective on a vital turn you need him to stay up. Additionally, Paz has the ability Descendent of the Great House Vizsla, giving him Steadfast if his Stance is on his Fearless side. Unfortunately, that pride in his heritage also prevents Paz from putting his Order Card in reserve after he has an Injured token, making you send him out first to deal with the enemies of the Tribe.

Representing the versatility of the character, Paz Vizsla comes with two Stances to choose from, Fearless and Heavy Firepower. While Paz is on Fearless, he gains Steadfast, while he is on Heavy Firepower, he gains access to the Reactive ability I’ll Cover the Rear. Fearless represents Paz fighting in melee with no ranged weapon and an impressive 8-dice melee attack. In comparison, Heavy Firepower represents the impressive firepower of his heavy gatling blaster, with a truly impressive range expertise giving 3 successes on a single expertise, you can be sure that Paz will lay down covering fire for his allies.

The Mandalorians of the Tribe’s covert are always willing to take up arms to defend and way of life, generally with hit-and-run tactics to protect their most vital resource, their people. They have the Jet Pack found standard on many Mandalorian warriors, of course. They also have variable Mandalorian armaments, granting them either Sharpshooter or Impact. This ability makes them highly useful in any combat situation, especially with their other combat ability, Mandalorians Are Stronger Together which gives them a focus action whenever they end a move action within range 2 of another Mandalorian. Finally, Our Secrecy Is Our Survival. This is the Way grants Protection to the unit as long as their Order Card is in reserve, or in the order deck, which incentivizes play around the hit-and-run tactics and holding them until the optimal moment.

Covert Mandalorians bring versatility in their Stance Card as well, with multiple branches allowing them to customize their combat to their enemy and do damage or pushes they need with enough success. With the other abilities granted from the Armorer and Paz Vizsla they’ll be able to get to any enemy of the Tribe and apply whatever effect is needed.

This is the Way.