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Databank Download: Crosshair’s Imperial Squad

Article written by AMG and reproduced here with permission - August 30, 2024

Cet article est uniquement disponible en anglais.

Let’s take a closer look at the Elite Squad, which was assembled in one of the darker chapters of the history of CT-9904, once known as “Crosshair.” This squad was assembled after his falling out with the other members of Clone Force 99, the Bad Batch. Crosshair was the only member of the Batch who attempted to obey Order 66 when the command to neutralize the Jedi Order came down. Unlike the others, he possessed a strong and genuine loyalty to the Galactic Empire, a conviction that was not solely a compulsion of his behavioral modification biochip.

Assembled under the leadership of CT-9904, the Elite Squad represented a shift away from clone troopers for the new Galactic Empire, conscripting top-performing soldiers from across the galaxy. These soldiers gave up their names to be identified with numbers such as ES-01, ES-02, ES-03, and ES-04, and the squad was entrusted with neutralizing anti-Imperial insurgents and similar threats. Such tasks would put them on the hunt for the Bad Batch, Crosshair’s old friends, after they had gone rogue, forcing CT-9904 to make some difficult choices.

For some time, the squad leader’s commitment to the Empire remained constant, and he went so far as to execute a member of his own squad for disobeying an order to execute civilians who had given aid to rebels. ES-04, also known as Firebrand, would prove to be one of CT-9904’s most reliable subordinates. She proved to be even more unyielding than her commander when it came time to neutralize the Bad Batch. This clash of loyalties would eventually tear the Elite Squad apart, but not before they had proven their effectiveness and laid the groundwork for subsequent stormtrooper forces.

Whatever name he goes by, CT-9904 is a formidable adversary, one with the abilities to lead his squad to victory. His real identity explains his almost preternatural skill and accuracy with the Firepuncher Sniper Rifle. Who else would have the nerve to rely on Reflector Discs to bounce shots off his own allies to strike enemies from unexpected angles? This ability augments his range and firing lines in a way that lets him strike targets that would otherwise be impossible to hit with a straight shot.

Genetically Bred Deadeye also offers several potent benefits when making ranged attacks, potentially trading conditions from his target for strikes on his attack. On wounding key targets (primary or secondary units), CT-9904 is revitalized, represented by refreshed Force tokens. He is quite willing to use subordinates as an Expendable Distraction, taking advantage of their proximity to deliver the killing shot even if he has to fire through his own people to do so.

There are subtle but tactically significant differences between CT-9904’s stances, though both offer impressive Ranged Attack stats and can deliver substantial damage on their Combat Trees. CT-9904 is always better off avoiding melee and relying on his rifle. His Bad Play Stance offers a stronger Defense Expertise Chart as well as earlier access to a potential Reposition, making it ideal when closing on a target. The Target Eliminated Stance is, as its name suggests, simpler and direct, chosen when the squad leader wants to maximize damage. Though CT-9904 is certainly more vulnerable to counterattack in this Stance.

ES-04 (aka Firebrand), is an excellent subordinate and considered a top soldier in her own right, preferring to make use of blazing walls of flame with her flamethrower. She is perfect for flushing enemies off key objectives, employing Prescribed Fire to set anyone afire who lingers. Taking cover is futile against this ability’s all-consuming fire. Her skill with this weapon is such that she can lay down Obscuring Flames, creating gouts of fire to make her allies hard to see and pin down with fire, providing a Hunker token for cover. Furthermore, the recurring emissions of flame make her dangerous to engage, as demonstrated by Can’t Stand the Heat. Those who make the mistake of closing on ES-04 are likely to be Disarmed and Strained while they try to avoid being incinerated.

ES-04’s Stance, appropriately named Flamewall, offers aggressive Ranged Attack stats and a potent Combat Tree. In addition to burning her enemies where they stand, this Stance can Shove enemies, Pin, or Disarm them, and affords a bonus Active Ability such as Prescribed Fire or Obscuring Flames. The sight of Firebrand bearing down with her flamethrower on poor sods defending an objective is terrifying indeed.

The rest of the squad is usually taken up by additional Elite Squad Troopers, skilled veterans armed with DC-15A Blaster Rifles. A direct and disciplined unit, these soldiers prefer aggressive use of Coordinated Fire. Their elite nature demonstrates how they are The Future of Imperial Might, gaining the benefits of Sharpshooter [1] and Impact [1], making them especially accurate after taking a focus action.

Working as a precisely coordinated team, the squad has access to several abilities to assist them getting into position swiftly. The Elite Squad Troopers have the Tactical Advance Active Ability, and they may occasionally benefit from ES-04’s Marching Orders or CT-9904’s Move to Position to gain an additional Dash.

When sent into a battle, the Elite Squad closes doggedly on its objective, utilizing Elite Squad Troopers and their Imperial Marksmanship to lay down damage. ES-04 advances alongside, strategically emitting blazing flame walls to protect the squad and setting objectives afire to drive defenders away. Meanwhile CT-9904 singles out enemy leaders to pin down or take out of commission with precise sniper fire, sometimes reflecting ricochet shots off other allies to hit from unexpected angles. All in all the squad embodies a ruthless and unflinching approach to battle, one which will come to dominate Galactic Empire tactics in due time.

Taking charge of this squad is perfect for those who enjoy experiencing the dark menace of the Empire in this fascinating transitional stage. It also suits those with an attachment to the stories and history of the Bad Batch, along with their difficult relationship with Imperial military authority. CT-9904 and the Elite Squad members may take center stage or fight alongside other famous and formidable Imperial figures such as various stormtrooper forces, Sith Lords, or opportunistic bounty hunters. More than anything else, they can be counted upon to follow their orders, no matter how terrible those orders happen to be.

Thanks for joining us for today’s Databank Download! Make sure to check back for our next Shatterpoint Unit preview, where we give you a first look at how your favorite characters from the Star Wars™ galaxy translate into the gameplay of Shatterpoint.