BattleTech: Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras (No Amazon Sales)

BattleTech: Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras (No Amazon Sales)

Code de produit : CAT35006VA

Primitive Units. QuadVees. Superheavy 'Mechs. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Robotic and Drone Systems. Land-Air BattleMechs.

As you delve into BattleTech lore, additional weapons, units, and rules become available to you and your foces as you fight in the Dark Age, Jihad, or even the depths of the Star League Eras, and all the way back into the Age of War before the birth of the BattleMech.

Alternate Eras introduces a huge swath of rules for playing across thousands of years of BattleTech history, including weapons and equipment mostly unique to a given era.
  • Author : Matt Alexander, Ray Arrastia, Joel Bancroft-Connors, Herbert A. Beas II, Randall N. Bills, Joshua Franklin, Keith Hann, John Haward, Johannes Heidler, Chris Marti, Ben Rome, Jason Schmetzer, Paul Sjardijn, Joel Steverson
  • Artiste : Ray Arrastia, Camospecs Online, Les Dorscheid, Shane Hartley, Jeff Porter, Jason Vargas, Steve Walker
  • Series : BattleTech
  • Langue : EN